Trails Partnership
Welcome To The Penatuhkah Comanche Trails Partnership
The Penatuhkah Comanche Trails Partnership is a coalition of Chambers of Commerce, Visitors Bureaus, historical non-profits, the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma, and private landowners in the area. This Central Texas association plans to develop a landscape conservation plan to protect and interpret the traditional lands and resources of the Penatuhkah Band of the Comanche people as well as promote heritage tourism in the region.
The Penatuhkah Comanche Trails Partnership encompasses approximately 15,000 square miles in the heart of Texas. This area coincides with the homeland of the Penatuhkah band of the Comanche Nation from about 1750 to 1875. The views, ecology, heritage, and history of this area sacred to the southern Comanche lend it tremendous potential to provide tourism opportunities for Texans seeking to learn of the extent of the great Comanche Empire.
About Us
Representatives from nine communities as well as landowners of archeological sites in this area have united in a common effort under the auspices of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma to stimulate heritage tourism across the region. Towns represented included DeLeon, Goldthwaite, Paint Rock, Ballinger, Menard, Coleman, Comanche, Early, San Saba, Brownwood, Melvin, Fort McKavett and Santa Anna. Also involved are the Executive Directors of the Texas Forts Trail and the Texas Midwest Community Network.
Key partners in the Penatuhkah Comanche Trails Partnership and their roles include the following:
Comanche Nation of Oklahoma (LINK)
The Texas Forts Trail (LINK)
The Texas Midwest Community Network (LINK)
Santa Anna Historical Development Organization
Frontier Texas (Link)
San Saba County Historical Museum (LINK)
Comanche County Historical Museum (LINK)
Mills County Historical Museum (LINK)
DeLeon Area Historical Museum (LINK)
Brown County Museum of History (LINK)
Menard Historical Society (LINK)
Legacy Plaza Botanical Garden and Native American Interpretive Center (LINK)
Member City Chambers of Commerce and Visitor Bureaus
The Penatuhkah Comanche Trails Association promotes the restoration, conservation and interpretation of Comanche Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) and the history and traditions of the Penatuhkah Comanche band in Texas. This partnership creates economic opportunities for all partners through heritage and ecotourism programs that tell the stories of this significant history at the places where it happened and encouraging a Comanche presence in their Texas homeland.
The Penatuhkah Comanche Trails Partnership will use its expertise concerning the significant Traditional Cultural Properties (TCP) in our target area to agree on the suitable purposes of those TCPs and restore them to Comanche awareness and use. The Penatuhkah Comanche Trails Partnership is knowledgeable of places other than TCPs in our target area that can tell the Penatuhkah story and will develop ways to tell the story. And the Penatuhkah Comanche Trails Partnership will deliver programs that promote the areas Penatuhkah Comanche history and its economic development.

– At the zenith of the “horse culture”, Comanches may have possessed as many as 10,000 horses.
Upcoming Events
Membership Meeting
Previous Events
June 17, 2024 – Minutes Coming Soon
April 15, 2024 – Membership Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2024 – Membership Meeting Minutes
November 13th, 2023 – Membership Meeting Minutes
September 18th, 2023 – Membership Meeting Minutes
July 17th, 2023 – Membership Meeting Minutes
May 15th, 2023 – Membership Meeting Minutes
April 17th, 2023 – Membership Meeting Minutes
March 20th, 2023 – Membership Meeting Minutes
Pelon, Linda Nash. Issues in Penatuhkah Comanche Ethnohistory (Thesis), Arlington, TX: University of Texas at Arlington, 1993.
Hämäläinen, Pekka . Comanche Empire, New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2008.
Pelon, Linda. Texas Comanche Land Revisited, Abilene, Texas: H. V. Chapman and Sons, 2019.

The Comanche Empire
Pekka Hamalainen

Comanche Land Revisited
Linda Nash Pelon

Comanche Marker Trees of Texas
Steve Houser, Linda Pelon, Jimmy Arterberry
Get Involved
The Penatuhkah Comanche Trails Partnership has spent the last two years developing programs and opportunities for you to get involved in a variety of ways. From civic leaders who are already making an impact in their communities to people looking for a place to volunteer, you are invited to explore our work and dive in. We’re building a team that anyone can join, and we hope you’ll be a part of it.
P.O. Box 3
Santa Anna, TX 76878
Get Directions
Information Center Hours
Thursday – Saturday : 10am – 6pm